Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers says Governor-elect Matt Bevin and Republicans in the General Assembly are likely to move soon on alternatives to…
The U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage has far-reaching effects in Kentucky, including triggering the opportunity for couples to…
U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell says expansion of the Medicaid program makes economic sense and she cites Kentucky as a case in…
An official with Kentucky’s Health Benefit Exchange says the opening of a retail store this fall has been a big help in getting people signed up for…
More than 114,000 Kentuckians have newly enrolled for health care coverage or renewed their current plans through kynect in the eight weeks since open…
On a strict party-line vote, the Kentucky Legislature’s Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare has renewed Governor Beshear’s executive orders…
Gov. Steve Beshear addressed a national healthcare conference on Tuesday (June 17) in Washington, D.C., where he touted Kentucky’s success in implementing…
Persons who are married and a victim of domestic violence, have until the end of May to enroll for affordable health care coverage through the state…
With a major deadline looming, nearly 300-thousand Kentuckians have signed up for insurance through the state's health benefit exchange.To avoid a tax…
The director of Kentucky’s Health Benefit Exchange says about three-thousand Kentuckians per day are being enrolled in Medicaid or a Qualified Health Plan…