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MSPR to offer special programs for Labor Day weekend 2021

Celtic Connection

A Time For Tales

Sunday, September 5 @ 3:00PM

Carolyn Franzini is your host for A Time For Tales, an hour of stories and music for the entire family. On this special program, the theme is Irish Stories, featuring stories and songs by Sharon Kennedy, Clare Muireann Murphy, Kevin Burke and the Ulster Scots Folk Orchestra.

Credit byuradio.org/appleseed

The Apple Seed – Labor Day 2021

Monday, September 6 @ 9:00AM

Stories inspired by Labor Day – labor and that bittersweet transition from summer to school.

  • Chicago storyteller Dan Keding with a childhood baseball story that also includes work.
  • A sound-rich fairy tale about magical help for a hard-working young girl from Canadian storyteller Stéphanie Bénéteau.
  • Bilingual storyteller Antonio Sacre with a tale from Latin American about a boy looking for work.
  • Storyteller Diane Ferlatte with the famous fable of “The Little Red Hen” meant to teach children the importance of hard work and personal initiative.
  • Personal stories about work and the end of summer from the Apple Seed family.

Credit The Pulse: Destination Mars

Destination Mars

Monday, September 6 @ 10:00AM

Humans have been obsessed with Mars from a distance for thousands of years. At first, maybe it was the fact that Mars stands out in the night sky because of its reddish color. But, as we learned more about Mars, and the conditions there, it was the possibility of life on this distant planet that captured our imagination. At its closest, Mars is nearly 40 million miles away from earth — and we’ve tried for centuries to bridge that distance — from telescopes to flybys and probes. Mars has inspired wild fantasies about distant civilizations and little green men. It’s put a spell on many observers, trying to unlock the mysteries of the red planet. On this special episode of The Pulse, we explore what we are learning about Mars, and when we can expect to actually see humans set foot on this planet.

Credit byuradio.org

Top of Mind - Labor Day 2021

Monday, September 6 @ 11:00AM

  • Americans are working more and more hours, is it time for another labor revolution in this country?
  • A look at the rise of "digital nomads" who take remote working to extreme lengths.
  • How America's biggest labor unions became some of the country's biggest advocates for immigrants' rights.
Greg Jenkins has been the Operations Director at MSPR since 1999. Greg is a 1996 graduate of Morehead State University with a BME in Music Education and received a Masters of Science in Industrial Technology in 2008. Greg oversees training, scheduling, and evaluation of the student board operator staff, preparation of the daily traffic logs and serves as weekday classical music host. He is also the webmaster of the MSPR website and maintains MSPR's webstreaming and podcasting.