The Kentucky Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet (TAH) is partnering with the Kentucky Main Street Program (KYMS) for a special holiday promotion…
In an effort to help businesses and their employees be better prepared for the unexpected, the Kentucky Chamber has announced a partnership with The…
Businesses and nonprofits in rural and mountainous areas of Eastern Kentucky are among the hardest hit by the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions and social…
Three long-time friends and beer connoisseurs have opened Morehead’s first and only brewhouse.Blake Nickell, Nicholas Hollan and Derek Caskey are the…
Gov. Matt Bevin has signed an Open Investment Proclamation recognizing the significance of foreign direct investment (FDI) to Kentucky’s economy.…
Small Business Saturday has quickly become synonymous with the first Saturday after Thanksgiving as a means to encourage holiday shoppers to patronize…
Governor Matt Bevin has announced that Mercer County has been certified as a Kentucky Work Ready Community, and Letcher, Lewis and Wayne counties have…
The 17th Annual Big Sandy Women’s Business Symposium will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at the Wilkinson-Stumbo Convention Center in Prestonsburg. The…
Morehead State University’s Spring Career Fair will be held Tuesday, March 1, in the Crager Room on the third floor of the Adron Doran University Center…
Morehead State University’s East Kentucky Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Pikeville and the Pike County Extension Office will offer area…