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New surveillance zone established after Chronic Wasting Disease found in Kentucky deer

Chronic Wasting Disease, or CWD, was recently detected in central Kentucky at a close-fenced area in Breckenridge County. Officials with Kentucky Fish and Wildlife passed a measure to create a new CWD Surveillance Zone Area extending through Breckinridge, Meade, and Hardin counties. Any deer harvested there cannot be transported outside of the zone until it is processed as deboned or cleaned meat.

Rich Storm is the commissioner for Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. He said whatever steps Kentucky takes to mitigate CWD right now will be critical for the future of deer hunting in the Commonwealth.

“We have been a very fortunate state to watch this happen in other states and see successes and failures, and it’s quite depressing when this gets out of control. We are at a point that there’s potential prevention,” said Storm.

This measure differs somewhat from the surveillance zone in western Kentucky, as there are no mandatory check stations. Officials said they trust the active hunters of the region will collect and report ample samples to check for new CWD cases.

Gabe Jenkins, deputy commissioner for Kentucky Fish and Wildlife, said despite any disruption to deer hunters this season, it’s a necessary step.

“We know the disease is on the landscape, and we know modes of transportation of that disease from animal to animal and how that looks. So, anything we can do right out of the gate to decrease infection and spread of the disease is paramount for us,” said Jenkins.

The surveillance zone is set to stay in place for an indeterminate amount of time, but officials said it likely won’t be permanent since the deer was captive and had limited contact with wild populations.

A public meeting is scheduled for November 7 in Breckinridge County to talk about the decision and further steps from hunters throughout the region. More information is available online at