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MSU Board of Regents Holds December Meeting

The Morehead State University Board of Regents held its regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 1, 2022, in the Adron Doran University Center.

The board elected Jessica Stigall, MSU general counsel, as secretary and voted to approve policy manual updates, asset preservation projects, matches for endowed scholarships and professorships, as well as the fall 2023 housing deposit and a facility naming.

In addition, the board also:

  • Accepted the 2021-22 audit report
  • Ratified fall 2022 graduates and personnel actions
  • Ratified the 2021-22 amended operating budget
  • Accepted and ratify the first quarter financial report
  • Approved an increase in the scope of the Alumni Tower ground floor renovation project and the scope of the modernization/renovation of Cooper Hall
  • Approved a resolution recognizing retiree Jane Fitzpatrick for her years of service as MSU's general counsel

After reviewing an initiated grievance submitted to the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee by Faculty Regent Dr. Annie Adams, the Board of Regents unanimously accepted a recommendation from the Executive Committee that MSU President Dr. Jay Morgan did not retaliate against Regent Dr. Annie Adams by recommending to the Board of Regents a change be made to the bylaws concerning the course release as a result of an inquiry from the staff regent who expressed concern about disparate treatment. The Executive Committee, with full board agreement, also noted that President Morgan had a responsibility and performed his duty diligently to inform legal counsel and act to address the violation of state law.
Further, a reasonable and appropriate interpretation and application of KRS 164.330 is that no member of the Board of Regents, including elected regents, may receive compensation beyond the reimbursement of necessary and legitimate expenses related to their service.

In addition, the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents recommends the following:

  1. The Executive Committee finds that, in consultation with prior general counsel, current general counsel and outside counsel, the course release previously received by the faculty regent is a form of compensation and in direct violation of KRS 164.330.
  2. The Executive Committee finds that shared governance is observed by the faculty regent's representation on the Board of Regents.
  3. The Executive Committee agrees with the third recommendation of the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee and finds that the president diligently works with the Board of Regents, in their entirety, with respect and full transparency.
  4. The Executive Committee agrees that Faculty Senate needs to review both PAc-18 and the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee's description so that alternative recommendation channels are available should a university president be named in a future petition of grievance under PAc-18. The Executive Committee recommends that it serve as the sole body to hear future grievances against a president under this policy, as the Board of Regents is the sole body with evaluative oversight of the president.

The board's next quarterly meeting is scheduled for March 30.