More than 611,000 Kentucky adults, or about 13 percent of the state’s total population, is now estimated to have diabetes. Of those, about 150,000 don’t…
Kentucky’s youth smoking prevalence is at a historic low, dropping nearly 10 percentage points over the past decade.Current smoking among Kentucky high…
The Kentucky Department for Public Health continues to warn Kentuckians about the risks associated with heroin and other drugs.DPH scheduled an emergency…
More Kentucky families qualify for financial aid to pay for child care because of an increase in funding approved by the 2016 General Assembly.The income…
Kentucky got a grade of 'D-' in a new report analyzing how each state supports, or doesn't support, new parents in terms of leave time and job protection.…
Nearly 870 thousand Kentuckians will see a decrease in their food stamp benefits as the result of federal recovery dollars drying up.As of next month, on…
Programs operated by Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services have been impaired by the federal budget sequester imposed earlier this year…That’s…