Gov. Matt Bevin has announced PatienTech LLC, a manufacturer of tech-enabled healthcare products, will open a production facility in Mason County with a…
Gov. Matt Bevin today announced Faneuil Inc., a national customer service outsourcing company, plans to establish a new call center in Lexington, creating…
Gov. Matt Bevin yesterday welcomed the Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) National Board of Directors meeting to the Commonwealth, as the group convened…
C&C Industrial LLC, an industrial maintenance and commercial services company based in Mt. Sterling, will construct a new facility in Woodland Industrial…
Gov. Matt Bevin has announced the creation of the Economic Opportunity Commission, which will be attached to the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development…
As part of its Occupational and Licensing Review and Reform Program, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has awarded the Commonwealth of Kentucky two…
Gov. Matt Bevin has announced The Legacy Companies, a food service and consumer appliance company, will create 60 full-time jobs and invest nearly $6.7…
Unemployment rates fell in all 120 Kentucky counties between April 2017 and April 2018, according to the Kentucky Center for Education and Workforce…
In a ceremony on May 15, Gov. Matt Bevin signed Executive Order 2018-328 to add Kentucky to the growing list of states with Employment First policies for…
Kentucky’s annual unemployment rate dropped to 4.9 percent in 2017 from 5.1 percent in 2016, while nonfarm employment gained 11,300 jobs, according to the…