Kentucky Emergency Management (KYEM) is assigning emergency response personnel from Kentucky to provide assistance to states expected to be impacted from…
An easy step by the FDA could make taking generic drugs safer. Now, you might not know all the generic's side effects.Allison Zieve, director of…
A former board president of the Central Kentucky American Heart Association says the state needs a smoke-free law to reduce its comparatively high rates…
Nurse-practitioners and midwives in Kentucky will now be able to prescribe non-narcotic medications without having a written agreement with a…
Just the mention of bedbugs is enough to raise concern about transmitting the insidious creatures from one location to another. Eliminating the stigma…
Legislation that requires training for physicians so they can better spot signs of child abuse is pending in Frankfort. The bill was given a preliminary…
New medical technologies are changing the way paramedics respond to a health emergency. Automatic external defibrillators have been used by emergency…