The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has launched a service to provide online renewal of driver’s and motorcycle licenses.“This is a dramatic step…
Gov. Andy Beshear, citing the need to help people stay healthy by avoiding crowds during flu season and the continuing novel coronavirus (COVID-19)…
Gov. Andy Beshear today announced the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) regional driver licensing office in Morehead will reopen for limited services…
The Administrative Office of the Courts announced today that circuit court clerks statewide may resume limited driver’s license services pursuant to…
Residents in eastern Kentucky now have one more option to maintain U.S. air travel and military base entry thanks to the expansion of REAL ID-compliant…
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has announced the anticipated rollout of the state’s new identity credentials, slated to become available…
The credential Kentuckians rely on most to verify their identities will undergo major upgrades in 2019 to enhance security and to keep travelers on the…
Driver's licenses in Kentucky would be issued every eight years, instead of four, and the cost would go from 20-dollars to 50-dollars.That’s the…
While many Kentuckians think of Driver's Ed as something just for teenagers, experts say a refresher course makes good safety and financial sense, even…
Regardless of age, people in Kentucky seem willing to accept tougher penalties for those who both text and drive. The state Wednesday (August 7) made it…