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Changes coming to some December license plate renewals

Some drivers may soon experience changes to when their license plate registration is slated to be renewed.

Randy Williams, Morgan County Clerk, said the changes will shift certain plates from expiring in December every year to the vehicle owner’s birth month instead.

“I think it’s just transitioning all personal plates to the owner’s birth month, rather than having plates expire during certain months. For example, all collegiate plates- MSU, UK, etc.- expired in December for some reason. That’s just the way it always was in the old system. With the new system now we’ll be going by the owner’s birth month, which will push things throughout the months, rather than in one month,” said Williams.

Williams said the changes will not mean that drivers miss out on any amount of registration time. Payment this month will cover the year 2024, and the payment in 2025 will cover that year. It’s just a matter of when in the new year that payment will fall.

“What we were told in the meeting a couple weeks ago was, if you take it to the owner’s birth month, which is January, that means January of ‘25 that plate’s going to expire January 31, you’ve got to come back in and renew it again. Which, that’s a tax and a fee that’s going to have to be paid during that year at some point, normally would have been in December, now it's going to birth months. So, those folks with the January, February birth month, or even March, are going to be paying their taxes on that vehicle pretty close together,” said Williams.

The Rowan County Clerk’s office also recommends that if multiple people drive the same car, the title is transferred to the person with the latest birthday to help account for this change

The full list of affected plates is as follows: Amateur Radio, Congressional, Eastern Kentucky University, Emergency Management, Firefighter, Fraternal Order of Police, Judicial, Kentucky State University, Masonic Order, Morehead State University, Northern Kentucky University, Representative, Representative duplicate, Senator, Senator duplicate, Street Rod, personalize Street Rod, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville and Western Kentucky State University.