Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman recently released the 2024 Domestic Violence Prosecution Manual. The document is a comprehensive resource for prosecutors, victims’ advocates and law enforcement to crack down on these serious crimes.
The new edition features a section on victims’ rights as well as implementation of The Safer Kentucky Act, which broadened the definition of “serious physical injury” so domestic violence acts can be punishable as felonies.
Attorney General Coleman said the document, which is updated every two years, has a lot of new content.
“Its new features include a new section of victim’s rights under Marsy’s Law, significant changes in victims’ rights, constitutionally mandated changes here in our Commonwealth. Giving notice and a voice to crime victims is especially important in domestic violence situations where victims have had no voice for far too long,” said Coleman.
Marsy’s Law ensures victims of crime have the same legal protections as accused abusers. The manual states law enforcement is required to make sure victims of domestic abuse receive information on available emergency, social, and medical services.
Courtney Baxter is the Commonwealth’s Attorney for the 12th Judicial Circuit. She said there are several tools in the manual that are essential for prosecutors in evaluating and successfully prosecuting cases.
“Specifically, the power and control wheel, the resource list for education and treatment opportunities, the bill of rights checklist for prosecutors, so that we can meet our Marsy’s Law obligations and the domestic violence lethality screen,” said Baxter.
According to the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, more than 44 percent of women and nearly 33 percent of men in Kentucky experience intimate partner physical violence or rape in their lifetimes. The Attorney General’s Victim Resource and Referral Line can be contacted at 800-372-2551.