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Rowan County Public Library summer reading program to kick off May 25

Samantha Morrill

Registration is now open for the Rowan County Library’s biggest event of the year. Organizers said the library’s summer reading program is a way to encourage kids to keep reading even when school is out.

Morgan Mullins, Communication Manager with the library, said people of all ages can participate at any of the libraries they visit.

“The collaborative library summer reading program is a national level program that many, many, many libraries across the country participate in every year. There is a committee that selects a different theme every year, and this year our theme was “Adventure begins at your library”, so we were very excited about that, and we have transformed the library into sort of like a jungle cruise experience,” said Mullins.

Mullins said he hopes participants will embrace the theme and be more adventurous with what they read and activities they participate in. He added that the program is free because they want to foster a love of reading in more people and encourage those who already feel it.

“It’s also meant to create a love of reading and to make it seem fun, and to encourage people to discover new things about the library that maybe they didn’t know we did. So, in keeping with the theme of adventure we have a push this year for people to get out of their comfort zone a little bit, maybe come to a program they wouldn’t normally come to, or read a book, listen to an audiobook, watch a movie, anything like that, that might not normally be to their tastes,” said Mullins.

Registration is available online or in person at the library, and all someone needs to do to participate is fill out and submit log sheets. The program kicks off on May 25 and concludes on July 26. People must register by June 30 to participate in the final activities, which include several giveaways.

The Rowan County Public Library is an underwriting partner of WMKY.