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Morehead voters will not decide if medical marijuana businesses can locate in city limits

The issue of allowing medical marijuana retailers and other cannabis businesses to operate in Morehead is headed to the city planning commission. In Monday’s regular city council meeting, members discussed the options local governments have ahead of state laws that go into effect January 1, 2025.

Morehead council had the option to not allow those businesses to operate in city limits, put the question on the November ballot to have voters decide, or make no move. The resolution Monday night was to put the question on the ballot. Council voted 5-1 not to pass that motion. Now, Mayor Laura White-Brown will take the issue to the planning commission.

“Medical marijuana dispensaries, the subject of them, will now go in front of the planning commission. Planning commission will make a recommendation on which zones to permit it in and then that will come to city council for a vote,” said White-Brown

Officials said a compressed deadline schedule from the state prompted the decision to pass on the ballot question.

“We, based on what the planning commission brings back to us at that point, will set in some zoning regulations and that’s what has to be done right now, I believe Rodney quoted before June 12, in order to submit those zones to the state,” said White-Brown.

Among other rules and regulations set out by the state, cannabis businesses must not be located within a thousand feet of a school or daycare facility.

The Rowan County Fiscal Court has a similar decision to make, as rules in the county must be set separately from those in city limits.