Tuesday is the 12th annual Kentucky Gives Day, and officials said now is the time to plan out donations for the day of giving.
Laura Whitaker, Associate Director at Kentucky Nonprofit Network, said the event is a way for the people of Kentucky to rally together and show support for causes that are important to them.
However, she said people don’t have to be Kentucky residents to take part.
“Anyone can participate, you don’t have to live in Kentucky to donate. Of course, that’s where a lot of our donors come from, but we do have donors from outside the state as well, and they’re welcome and encouraged to join and support causes close to them or friends or family who live in Kentucky and work at Kentucky nonprofits or volunteer with Kentucky nonprofits,” said Whitaker.
There are 268 nonprofits registered to participate in Kentucky Gives Day this year, and Whitaker said there is something for everyone.
Whitaker added that although someone could donate any day of the year, donating on May 7 has special power.
“The event itself is just a great way to show the statewide support. There’s power in numbers, there’s power in being able to say this many donors supported this many organizations and raised this much money. Over the past 12 years, we’ve raised over $5 million for Kentucky nonprofits. There’s just this power of numbers that makes a really big impact that in turn can be used by organizations to leverage even more support,” said Whitaker.
Whitaker said finding a nonprofit to donate to is easy at kygives.org. She said providing support to nonprofit organizations is always important, but is even more so now when many groups are still working to recover from the effects of the pandemic and rising need.