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Rowan County Extension Office education series introduces people to homesteading

Samantha Morrill

Anybody in Rowan County who is interested in learning “Homesteading 101” has the opportunity to take a series of classes hosted by the Rowan County Extension Office next month. Organizers said April is the time when most people choose to get a garden started and the classes can guide people through the process.

Amanda Potter is the Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent for the Rowan County Extension Office. Potter said there’s been growing interest in these types of skills.

“A lot of people have either come to me or come to other people in the county, talking about wanting to transition more into a homesteading lifestyle, partly to adjust for the fact of raising food prices, raising everything prices,” said Potter.

The four sessions cover raised bed gardening, beginning beekeeping, canning 101, and backyard poultry. Potter said the sessions will be a mix of PowerPoint presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on learning.

The first class to teach raised-bed gardening is set for April 2.

Potter added that raised bed gardening is beneficial to those who might not have a lot of space to work with. The ANR agent said even people with lots of land can benefit.

“There’s some environmental factors that will come into play, where they’re not able to actually grow a garden with a lot of your common produce, such as tomatoes, just in the ground. You will have to do a raised bed,” said Potter.

All the classes are free and will take place in the Rowan County Fiscal Court Room. Anyone interested in attending can register by calling 606-784-5457.