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MCTC celebrates full approval status from Kentucky Board of Nursing

The Montgomery Campus of Maysville Community and Technical College (MCTC) is now in full approval status from the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) to teach their Associate Degree-Nursing program (ADN).

Officials said the nursing faculty have been waiting for the approval from the KBN for over four years, after entering the initial status stage in 2019.

Ginger Clarke, Associate Dean of Health Sciences and Nursing Program Administrator, said when she began her role in 2019, the process for approval had already begun, but her first job was to write a proposal to send to the KBN.

She said this is what gained MCTC their entrance to the initial status stage.

“What initial status means is that we’re starting a program and they come back after that program graduates its first cohort to see if we’ve met all the requirements of the Kentucky board of nursing,” said Clarke.

The first cohort graduated, and it was determined MCTC did meet all requirements. Clarke said now it is time to grow the program.

“Our other two RN programs admit every year, and so if we have the interest at that Montgomery campus, we’ll start admitting every year as well,” said Clarke, “Right now, we’ve just admitted one cohort at a time until we got that full approval, but we’re hoping that we can start admitting every year.”

Clarke said MCTC Mt. Sterling will graduate it’s second cohort this May. The Associate Dean explained that usually only one cohort of students is accepted during the initial status, however the COVID pandemic extended the process and allowed for another group of nursing students to begin studying.

Clarke said the current goal is to become nationally accredited by 2025, as required by the KBN.

More information on MCTC’S ADN program is available at