Morehead State University’s Star Theater is hosting their annual Open House on International Observe the Moon Night, Saturday, October 21 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Director of the Star Theater, Pamela Clark, said the evening will have various activities.
“It will have three back-to-back shows, live night sky viewing in the full dome, solar scope and telescope viewing out on our patio, live music from Glenn and Lisa Ginn, pizza, hands-on STEM activities, little video shorts from NASA about different kinds of NASA activities,” Clark said.
Presentations will include the exploration of the Lunar Ice Cube, a small satellite designed and constructed by MSU students, faculty and staff at the Space Science Center to study and collect data on lunar ice. The satellite launched in November, 2022 on an 18-month mission.
Other events will include involvement with some campus organizations.
“We have activities going on at the Rocket Club, Astronomy Club tables, plus a galactic slime lab,” Clark said.
Pizza and other refreshments will be provided. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door. The event is free for toddlers as well as MSU students, faculty, and staff.