A complete overhaul of Kentucky’s computerized vehicle transaction system continues to move forward.
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has presented the latest update to a Senate legislative panel. According to Transportation Cabinet Secretary Mike Hancock, the proposed Kentucky Vehicle Information System will be a whole new process for county clerks across the state.
“Clerks will have, for the first time, at their ready disposal, a more interactive system, where there’s more capability within the system immediately. In other words, if you’re a client and you’re standing at the clerk’s office to get something renewed, they have more power at their fingertips than they’ve ever had,” said Hancock.
Transportation Committee Chair Ernie Harris says the proposed system will bring Kentucky’s vehicle registration into the 21st century. He applauds the transportation cabinet for what he calls ‘due diligence’ to protect privacy and to making sure it works right when implemented.
“It will streamline the titling, the payment of taxes, and the registration and checking insurance, all the things that you have to do to purchase or transfer a car through the dealer or county clerk will be streamlined and much better access to information,” said Harris.
State Transportation Cabinet Secretary Mike Hancock adds the proposed system will be more interactive and give county clerks ‘more power at their fingertips than they ever have.’ A target date for implementation of the KVIS system has not been set.