State Senator Damon Thayer says Kentucky’s economy would be stronger if it threw out its prevailing wage laws and became a “right to work” state. The Georgetown Republican says the Commonwealth should create an atmosphere for business that encourages investment and job creation.
He claims prevailing wage requirements and “right to work” legislation approved in Michigan and Indiana puts Kentucky at a competitive disadvantage…
Thayer says when more businesses locate in Kentucky, they grow the tax base that makes for stronger communities.
State Representative Jim Wayne says many working Kentuckians are already struggling to feed their families and abolishing the state’s prevailing wage laws would just make things worse. Wayne is a Democrat from Louisville.
He says if Kentucky takes such action and becomes a “right to work” state, too, paychecks will get even smaller…
Wayne says government has a social responsibility to make sure the capitalist system is not a “free-fall” for the poor and most vulnerable.