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Rites of Passage celebrated

Morehead State University

Morehead State University’s Office of Student Activities, Inclusion and Leadership Development sponsored the 34th Rites of Passage Recognition Ceremony Friday, Dec. 8, in Reed Hall.

The purpose of the ceremony was to recognize and celebrate the scholastic achievement of minority and international students at MSU.

All students received a special stole during the ceremony.

The keynote speaker for the celebration was Lexius Yarbrough.

A May 2017 graduate of Morehead State University, Yarbrough received his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the College of Business and Technology.

During his collegiate career, Yarbrough was involved in many clubs and organizations, including Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Xi Alpha Chapter. He now serves as an MSU enrollment services counselor. A Louisville native, Yarbrough plans to receive a master’s degree in business administration from Morehead State, and then plans to pursue his dreams of becoming serial restaurant entrepreneur.

Fall graduates who participated in the ceremony are:

Darius J. Alford of Lexington; Kevyn Allen of Lexington; Deion Christopher Green of Lexington; Tre Shaquille Huddleston of Louisville; Paula Jones of Lexington; Noelle Meadows of  Morehead; Janie Rose Morris of Ironton, Ohio; Yasmeen Nicole Smith of Cynthiana; Apria Celine Thomas of  Cincinnati; Kristina Tweedy of Columbus, Ohio; and Aliyah Wells of Shelbyville.

Additional information is available by calling Shannon Colvin, student leadership and advocacy coordinator, at 606-783-2071 or email

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