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MSU Welcome and Alumni Center Project Update

The Morehead News

A new Welcome and Alumni Center on the campus of Morehead State University will cost about five million dollars and a major, anonymous donor has been secured to help pay for part of it.

Vice-President for University Advancement Jim Shaw says that person has pledged one-point-two million dollars for the project.

In addition, he says, MSU is adding another million since the facility’s upper floor will house the school’s communications and marketing offices.         

Shaw says design of the downstairs area is nearly complete.

“It will have a board room to accommodate the boards of some of our foundations who support the university, including the alumni board and the foundation board. It will have a video room where we can tell visually the story of Morehead State University. It’ll have a display area where we can really honor the folks who have done so much for us. It will have several intimate gathering rooms where alumni and different size groups can meet.”

Shaw thinks the new building will be finished in three years.