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Community Advisory Board Meeting Minutes - May 8, 2014

Members present:  Drew Henderson, Megan Boone, Black Bear (Stephen LaBoueff), Jeff Ray, Mary Caric, & Carol Laferty

MSPR Staff:  Paul Hitchcock

Guest (s): N/A

The meeting began at 6:05PM in the studios of Morehead State Public Radio (MSPR) at Morehead State University (MSU).  Drew Henderson, MSPR Community Advisory Board (CAB) Chair welcomed members of CAB.

Old Business

Minutes of the February 13, 2014 meeting were reviewed.  Megan Boone made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as presented and Jeff Ray seconded.  The motion passed. 

MSPR’s Quarterly Program report for the period of January – March 2014 was reviewed.  General discussion followed especially around feedback from listeners on new changes.  Carol Laferty made motion to accept the quarterly report as presented.  Jeff Ray seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

New programming was discussed including how the press releases and announcements will be done.  Some announcements have already started.  Changes are in order to try to get more news on the weekend, increase local programs, and capitalize on assets of station.  Comments were made about adding Diane Rehms Show and Fresh Air.  FrontPage was complimented and the show will take a break over the summer.  Discussed Between the Covers and how to better advertise what book will be discussed.  There is a Facebook page to promote it already.  Black Bear suggested focusing on geographic regions for the content within Sin Fronteras.  Discussed legality of podcasts and music rights.  Don’t do podcasts if there is music included in it.  Web streaming legality is different from podcasts.

The Spring Fundraiser and Membership Drive was the next item on the agenda.  MSPR has $21,000 in hand, with pledges to reach about $24,000.  The focus has again been the call out campaign through students, mailings and a few on-air.  Discussed that feedback is not being received like it used to be when on-air phone-a-thons were used.  CAB members suggested that MSPR may have to look at other ways to get this information.  Mary Caric suggested having MSPR students call members and thank the members & ask them for feedback during this call.  Another idea was to ask for feedback over social media.  Paul will look at discussing with supervisor of Call Center to ask # of listeners in the household and “Do you have any comments about MSPR’s programming?”   Discussed not calling after 8PM.  Paul will look into how much money is generated during 8PM to 9PM before making a decision. 

Guest Comments

There were no guest comments. 

New Business

Paul provided a 5 year plan for 2014-2020 for review of CAB members.  Paul, Chuck, Greg & Dan have been working on this draft with Matt Collinsworth. 2015 goals will be shared with CPB.   Since this was the first time that CAB members were presented with the plan, it will be revisited at next meeting for comments and endorsement from CAB.

Paul shared the underwriting rate sheet which changes seasonally.

With regard to antenna/de-icers, Paul stated that MSPR applied for insurance claim in September of 2013 and was awarded $25,000 to replace de-icers on antenna.

MSPR plans to continue to participate in the Morehead Arts & Eats Festival.  MSPR donates all proceeds back to the community organizations.  Discussed continuing to do SPAM theme for the festival.  CAB members think more of a full meal option should be provided as those options seem slim at the festival.

Closing Comments

Black Bear invited Tara Holoday to attend the meeting as she is part of 3 year grant doing suicide prevention at MSU but she wasn’t able to come.  She might be relevant to interview.  Black Bear suggested doing a feature on Haldeman Community Center after-school program.  Rosemary Johnson is possible contact.

The next CAB meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2014 and will take place at 6PM in MSPR’s studios.  With no further business to discuss, Megan Boone made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Mary Caric seconded the motion.  The motion passed.  The meeting concluded at 7:20PM.