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Aerospace Industry Featured at Morehead Ideafestival

Morehead State University

Morehead State University was one of the sponsors for the Ideafestival held at the Morehead Conference Center.

According to the meeting, Kentucky’s largest export industry isn’t tobacco, automotive or even bourbon. It is aerospace. The aerospace industry exceeded $8 Billion dollars in 2015 alone.

Ellie Puckett of Space Tango and MSU President Wayne D. Andrews welcomed the group to the event.

Speakers included: Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton; Mike Young, Kentucky Aerospace; Kris Kimel, KSTC; Bob Schena, CEO Rajant Technologies;  Danette Wilder, CEO SealingLife Technology) Rick Johnson, Kentucky Innovation Network; Jim Tom Trent, Morehead mayor; Dr. Ben Malphrus, Morehead State University; Dr. Julia Aebersold, University of Louisville MNT Clean Room Manager; Mickey Marrotta, Unmanned Systems Inc.; Michelle Lucas, Higher Orbits, LLC.; Todd Harding, NOAA; Greg Higdon, KAM; and Brad Thomas, East Kentucky Power; Dr. Tim Smith, IAE;  Jennifer Carter, SpaceTrek; and Dr. Suzanne Smith, NASA Kentucky,  and Rep. Rocky Adkins.

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