While the Morehead Film Challenge primarily attracted convergent media students, Vi Vinukonda, a sophomore biomedical engineering major, said that his brother encouraged him to enter the challenge.
“I’ve always had an interest in film,” stated Vinukonda. “Mainly because my older brother did a lot of directing. He went to MIU for directing.”
The theme for this year was romantic-comedy. The required line that all groups for the film was “If it were a chihuahua, it would be a kite.” The required prop was a pasta ladle while the required character name was “Grant Goldendorf.”
Vinukonda continued to describe the challenge as very stressful, and that he had very little film experience beyond helping this brother before this event.
Only three teams presented this year, half as many as last which Dr. Mark Graves, part of the Morehead Film Series Committee, described as disturbingly low at the opening of the film challenge premier.
Vinukonda was part of the team that took third place, Craft Productions, with Dylan J. Kouns, a senior convergent media major.
“A lot of things went wrong right at the start, a lot of things went wrong right at the end,” Kouns recalled. “but we managed to work our way through it.”
For Kouns, the event represented a fun opportunity to make a film that he said he would gladly do again if he wasn’t graduating this year.
“Over my four years here at Morehead,” Kouns reflected. “I’ve done a lot of filming, a lot of work with editing and I’ve had a lot of fun with it. So, I figured I’d have something to put on my resume, have something to talk about, have a fun weekend to put a movie together.”
This first place was taken by Average Joe Creations’ “Stuck in my Head.” Average Joe Creations was made up by MSU Sophomore Joe Galiano, and two students from Rowan County Senior High School, Alex Pace, a junior and Gaige Webb, a senior.
Galiano, a freelance film maker who also graduated from RCSHS, stated that he considered this challenge as “the film making Superbowl” for him, and a great opportunity to apply what he has learned.
“It was a lot of fun,” expressed Galiano, a convergent media major. “This is like my fourth time doing the film challenge. I did it when I was in high school. So, I always wanted to, like, include the younger guys with me.”
Both Pace and Webb identified Galiano as the leader of their group and praised his leadership.
The Morehead Cinema hosted the annual challenge and the next film challenge is set for the spring of 2020.