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Carter Caves Wildflower Pilgrimage Set For April 21-22

Experience the beauty of the Carter Caves Wildflower Pilgrimage April 21-22 at Carter Caves State Resort Park near Olive Hill.

Throughout the weekend guests will experience the beauty of the area during wildflower walks. This is the perfect weekend for experienced wildflower enthusiasts, beginner bloomers or those who just enjoy being in the woods to get outside and experience the natural beauty of spring.

The event is sponsored by the Friends of Carter Caves. All trips are free this year.

Participants will be able to sign up for the hikes at the park. Overnight lodging and camping is available. The park’s friends group will host a hot dog cook out on Saturday with proceeds benefiting the park.

Call the park at 606-286-4411 for more information or to make lodging reservations.

In addition to cave tours, Carter Caves offers hiking, mini-golf, fishing, and a gem mine. Carter Caves also has a lodge, cottages, and restaurant. For more information, call the park at 1-800-325-0059 or visit

Directions to Carter Caves State Resort Park from Interstate 64 East: take exit 161 (Olive Hill exit). Turn left off the exit onto U.S. 60 east. Go approximately 2 miles and turn left on KY 182 north. Park entrance is 3 miles from the left turn onto KY 182 north.

(story provided by Kentucky State Parks)

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