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MSU INSPIRE Initiative receives $50,000 grant to support job market

Eastern Kentucky researchers are looking at ways employers can support people in recovery from substance use disorders. Morehead State University’s “Investment Supporting Partnerships in Recovery Ecosystems” (INSPIRE) initiative received a $50,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission. Officials said the money will fund the creation of an information database.

Researchers said the INSPIRE initiative tries to help create employment opportunities for people recovering from addiction by providing job training programs.

The initiative’s lead researcher, Dr. Kim Fatten said the program aims to strengthen the job market for employers and employees.

“How can we strengthen our ecosystem for potential employees that are in recovery by finding good jobs that pay well that give them a good reason to stay sober, a good reason to get up in the morning and have a livable, sustainable wage?” Fatten said.

Dr. Fatten said INSPIRE researchers are taking a deep look at issues surrounding the job market and substance use disorders.

“We’re going to see what else has been published in literature about employers and their duties to their employees-just regular employees and then what layer having an employee with substance use disorder can add to that and what the employers can do to help. So, we’re trying to figure out everything that’s available and get it into a database and serve as a resource to our communities.”

The INSPIRE Initiative is a multi-county effort involving Bath, Menifee, Morgan, Rowan and Montgomery counties.