Wet/Dry Petition Expected In Fleming County

Fine Art America

A petition for a wet/dry vote is expected to be circulated in Fleming County, according to officials.

Fleming County Clerk Jarrod Fritz said the petition will call for a vote to decide on the sale of alcoholic beverages in restaurants throughout the county.

"A group of people in the county wants alcohol to be sold in restaurants," Fritz said. "It would be in restaurants that average at least 50 customers and could only be served with a meal. Alcohol could not be served 30 minutes after the meal has been completed."

Fritz said he is assumes the sales will consist of a variety of alcohol types, but is unsure what the sales may include.

At least 25 percent of registered votes in Fleming County must sign the petition before a special election can be approved, according to Fritz. Once the petition has been turned into the Fleming County Clerk's Office, Fritz will have to verify the signatures to make sure all signers are registered voters before the election can be approved, Fritz said.

According to Fritz, once everything has been turned in and verified, a special election date will be set.

Fritz said he will also be checking into having the special election during the general election in November.

"I don't think we can do that, but I'm going to look into it," he said. "Special elections are expensive and it would make sense to do it during the general election, if we're allowed."

This is the second call for a special election for alcohol sales in a year in Fleming County.

In June 2013, the Echo Hills Vineyard, LLC, circulated a petition to have a special election for it to be allowed to sell wine from the vineyard. Echo Hills needed at least 127 signatures, which it obtained.

A special election was held in July 2013 at the D102 Precinct, also known as the PVA Precinct, and the sale of wine from the vineyard was approved by voters.

The Ledger Independent is online at: http://www.maysville-online.com

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